Investing With Us

FBP Developments work with a select number of private investors and are able to offer a fixed interest return for 12 months or longer.

Our returns are far higher compared to those typically found with the high street banks.

Occasionally we are also able to offer the opportunity to partner with us on specific projects.

Clients Comments

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    The information provided throughout our website is not and cannot ever be intended either as financial, tax, legal advice or otherwise.

    This information is general information about property in the UK only. All comments are of a general nature only. Any information provided does not and cannot ever take into account the particular financial situation, objectives or property investment needs of either you or anyone reading this information.

    Additionally, property investments and property prices can go down as well as up. Property can be a risky method of investment. Any individual who chooses to act upon the content provided on this website or on information contained in any of our products or services, should always take independent specialist advice before making any decision to invest.